Resonant Sound Bath

Sound Bath - Individual

Transform your being and enter a state of bliss. Join us for a deeply magical sound journey. Philip Boone, a self taught musician creating beautiful sounds for the past 30 years and Monica Boone, artist and Energy Healer for over 25 years.

Group Sound Bath

We are available in our own studio for a group sound bath, bring friends and family together for a unique experience. Or reach out to us for a custom sound bath session at your home or local space. Spiritually uplifting, calming, joyful musical dance you will never forget!

Gongs are Great!

“One of the reasons the gong produces an ultrasound is because when it is struck, the metal vibrates literally at ultrasonic frequencies. Although we hear this very rich soundscape emitting from the gong, it's actually going way, way beyond what we can hear. That's why, of course, the gong is a very healing instrument.”
- John Stuart Reid

  • Individual Sound Bath

    Join us in our cozy and healing space for
    magical Sound Bath experience. Our sweet tuxedo kitty loves sound baths and may join in the fun!
    Rate: $100 - 1 hour session

  • Group Sound Bath

    Group Sound Bath in our wonderful healing space for small groups of friends and family. We are able to comfortably accommodate 3-4 people.
    Rate: $200 - 1 hour session

A little history of our journey through sound.

Earlier this year, Monica completed her Advanced Sound Healing training with a Sound expert who trained with the great David Gibson of the Global Sound Healing Institute. Monica first became exposed to the kind of healing that is available through the use of resonant frequencies during her training with a Grandmaster in Hawaii circa 2009. A core group of students & apprentices completed building 11 geodesic domes at the retreat center. Afterwards, instruments, including a large gong, were incorporated within the two group training domes. Monica was one of the first to experience the healing frequencies while laying down within these miraculous structures.

She also traveled to China as part of a group trip with the Grandmaster and visited several historic locations where she experienced performances of ancient string harp-like instruments. It was one of the most transformative openings - spiritually, emotionally and physically, that she has ever experienced.

It is her joy and goal to bring a little bit of that love and transformation to all of you, combining forces with her husband, Philip Boone. He is an incredible self taught musician who has spent over 30 years exploring harmonies of sound, mainly through voice and string instruments, all while staying true to his personal vision. Philip writes his own lyrics, composes music, performs vocals and plays guitar, creating original pieces from the heart - no discussion of music theory here! He has also completed his Expert Sound Healing certifications earlier this year! To experience Philip’s personal recordings check out:

Both Monica & Philip completed an additional online training with John Stuart Reid. His extraordinary & visionary work has made a huge impression on both of them and they plan to continue these wonderful explorations in their individual and group Sound Baths and other sound endeavors.

They look forward to meeting you and performing a transformative Sound Journey!

Meet your local Sound Healing trio!