Beyond Quantum Healing

on a qigong healing trip to kauai see man kayaking on hanalei bay with misty sunlight

Spiritual Awakening through Quantum Healing Hypnosis

  • Beyond Quantum Healing is accessing the internal wisdom of your higher self and its healing potential through consciousness exploration with the assistance of a BQH facilitator.

  • Online sessions allow the client to be comfortable and relax in their own home. Another economical benefit is that no travel or extra days traveling is involved. Depending on your preference, remote sessions work as well, and often better, than in-person sessions. The most important factor is the ability to relax and feel comfortable! As remarkable as it may sound, the connections and energies work just as strongly during a remote session.

  • A BQH session is good for just about any question or topic you would like to explore! Common questions include topics relating to physical health, spiritual or life path questions, relationships, career, as well as an individual’s interest in soul origins, parallel lives, other dimensions and universal mysteries.

holding rudraksha healing beads before throwing into wailua river


  • Beyond Quantum Healing may be described as guided visualization, hypnosis, dreamwork or soul travel. After a discussion with your facilitator, you are led through a short heart connection or prayer. You lay back, relax, close your eyes and enter a deep, daydream-like state. You are assisted by your facilitator to describe your experience. You will be invited to speak to your own Higher Self - the Divine part of you that holds and has access to a tremendous amount of knowledge and wisdom that your daily self has drifted or lost the connection to. BQH can re-establish that connection, allowing the opportunity to commune with your higher self on a regular basis.

  • Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a very safe practice and can be considered a state of super-awareness. A person maintains the natural ability to release their deep theta state by any number of ways including opening their eyes or getting up. You will not lose control of your mind or what is happening. Your subconscious mind will automatically recognize anything that is not safe and you will become fully aware.

  • Consults are available for any healing subject you may wish to talk about.
    Consultation-Intuitive Rate- per hour 75 USD

    Online Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH Regression Session) 4 hrs with 7-12 questions - 300 USD

  • yellow mountain in China image for beyond quantum healing session

    Beyond Quantum Healing

    An online BQH Session is 3-4 hours. Please bring your intention and 7-12 questions. We will review your questions and clarify your intention.

    Rate: $300

  • mini hawaii shells in handmade green glass leaf dish as image for BQH spiritual consultation

    Spiritual Mentoring

    Available for any healing subject you may wish to talk about. Connect for clarity or guidance before or after a session. Phone or Online.

    Rate: $50 per 45 minutes


There are limitless outcomes possible because we are limitless beings. There may be healings or profound revelations happening for clients instantaneously or there may be changes that unveil themselves over time. I had a wonderful Master meditation teacher that put it perfectly. At the conclusion of our many regression sessions during an especially long retreat, he said this to the participants: ’In about 3 weeks to 3 months time be aware and prepared, for you may have a major download or revelation, probably while you are driving. So I’m going to tell you this … (long pause) Pull over immediately!’ He then broke out into the deepest spirit-filled laughter. I know it seems a little, hmmm, but he came from an ancient tradition that is based on the awakening power of genuine laughter. In a moment of concern & guidance, he wanted us to remember to not take ourselves too seriously. And it was funny!

Master teacher storytelling aside, I cannot tell you at all what will happen for you personally, nor make guarantees of any kind. I do know our spirit or Higher Self knows best. Changes or experiences can be subtle or very obvious depending on your situation. I have had clients clear lifelong traumas after years of therapy, and others reach the most spiritual places where they were before unable to. I have experienced people’s guides, just waiting, literally waiting for the moment they could bring healing and knowledge to that person.

It’s hard to fully grasp the inner workings of our wonderful universe. After seeing and participating in hundreds of sessions, the outcome is perfect and beautiful for each individual at the time it occurs, myself included. That same teacher would often say:
‘There are no limits’
and that is what I wholeheartedly believe.

lucky to experience magical healing windhorse energy on kauai hawaii

BQH SessionTestimonial

beautiful healing green moss and waterfall energy at multnomah falls oregon

‘A most transformational experience! Not only was Monica professional and very good as a practitioner, she has a deep kindness that helps you let go of the outside world and allows your Higher Self to come forward with great confidence’

5 stars all the way ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️ - Anna Brown

Malama Honua.