Healing with Universal Energy

Make Every Day a Rainbow

Intuitive Energy & Sound Healing

woman's face showing intuitive energy healer and BQH quantum healing hypnosis pracitioner

Session: 60-75 min | Rate: $125 USD
Healing Sessions are unique and may include:

  • Alignment with Authentic Self

  • Ancestral Clearing + Healing

  • Clearing Blocks + Imbalances

  • Trauma Healing + Resolution

  • Essential Radiance Restoration

  • Meeting with Soul Families

  • Destiny Retrieval

ganesh statue at wailua hindu monastery on kauai

‘Wonderful Experience’

'I had the wonderful experience of a Quantum Healing session with Monica. The experience was so wonderful because her guidance, her questions and her intuition were professional and considered. I knew I was in confident and capable hands the moment I logged on and saw her. Monica took enough time to go through each question with me so we could really understand what it was I was looking for from this session.

I felt very relaxed and at ease in her company and the moment the induction was over I was right in a location. She guided me through gracefully from start to finish. This was an enjoyable experience, I strongly recommend a session with Monica because I received help beyond my expectations which is unusual for me.’

Thank you Much Love, Biba x
Dubin, Ireland

Preparing the Meditative Space:

We will spend some time with an initial discussion of what brought you to this healing and what your intention is for today’s session. It can be helpful to share information about your situation, but it is not necessary if you are unable to (sometimes that just gets in the way!) In healings I’ve received, I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum; either significant details I knew were important to vocalize or the feeling of dread that I may be expected to explain something. The great thing about our higher self and spirit guides is they show up anyway, I received great healing in both instances! I really am empathetic to however you may be feeling and what your needs are on that day.

Once our intake is complete, we will begin an inner alchemy practice and follow with a short heart mind connection meditation. This will be a slowing down of thoughts, letting go and letting in. I may do a meditative flower heart opening with our eyes closed if the moment calls for it.

Creating the Energetic Healing Architecture:

Before the energy healing begins, I will create a container to hold our energies and seal the shared interactive spaces. I will bring in an energetic cathedra, an architectural space that supports the healing and elevates our spirits while in a protective bubble. I call it the Love bubble, love being the most powerful force in the Universe! Once the container has been established, I will do an initial energetic scan and slowly move along the Subtle Bodies. The Higher Self will communicate and intuitive guides or spirit beings will likely appear and assist in the healing. I will continue to go deeper as the body relaxes.

At this point there will be a re-patterning of the energetic crystalline structure including the nervous system. As our bodies begin to transform to a more crystalline structure, it is helpful to receive assistance in old pattern releases. In general, the session is divinely guided, with great trust placed with the higher self. Blockages are released, energy is restored, often visits from powerful spirit family Beings occur. I am here to hold the space for your own healing. It is a gift to witness. Once the higher healing is completed, I will complete another energetic scan and make adjustments. Once the session is complete and you have received the healing energies your body and spirit can process on that day, I will slowly bring you back to waking consciousness. This may take a few minutes. Enjoy, it’s the most amazing feeling!

two ladies sitting in a geodesic dome at a Chinese energy healing retreat center on oahu
Advanced Healing training qigong retreat center with geodesic domes on Oahu
qigong apprentice practicing her healing exercises in front of a geodesic dome on Oahu

My Story

Taoism holds the inner alchemy teachings of the 3 Treasures. It is known as the lifelong pursuit of Essence, Vitality and Spirit. This pursuit includes the different frequencies needed for generation, transmutation and manifestation and it cannot be done through the mind. I have assimilated numerous teachings over the years, but it is the time where I trained simultaneously with a Taoist Grandmaster in Hawaii and at the Clairvision School in upstate New York that became my deepest and most transformational period. It has given me the foundation to continue expanding consciousness on my own and the ability to offer you a unique Intuitive Energy Healing session today.

Modern Taoist Training

After a year of healing myself and taking foundation classes in Arizona and California, I was invited to Hawaii to complete the Advanced Healing 1-4 certification. Once there, I was introduced to the Seven levels of Qigong: Universal Energy Healing in person & remote, Herbal Qigong, Feng Shui, Calligraphy, Taoist Tea Ceremony, Gong Sound Immersion, Breathing & Meditation and extensive Qigong exercises. I continued the multi-faceted training on site for three years, including a spiritual tour of China and time spent as an apprentice.

My daily training at the Hawaii healing retreat center focused around an advanced form of Qigong exercise taught only to apprentices. Each morning we gathered on the deck overlooking the ocean at sunrise and completed our practice. We were required to continue every sunrise for 100 days to clear our blockages, connect to our highest self and propel us onto our highest path: ‘It will change your life’. After the 100 days I continued for another 100 back on the mainland. To this day, it is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and I continue to practice with different ranges of intensity to maintain the integrity of my body and spirit.

During this period, a group of students, apprentices and native Hawaiians gathered at the retreat center and spent two years building 10 healing geodesic domes based on a powerful form of healing Feng Shui. I was the first to volunteer to sleep in one for 30 days, to completely realign my energy and crystalline structure. I had many profound dreams and spiritual experiences while sleeping there. I connected very deeply to the ancient Hawaiian lands and spirit caretakers and shared many wonderful days working alongside the people of Hawaii.

Inner Alchemy Meditation

I simultaneously studied with Samuel Sagan at the Clairvision School of Meditation. In addition to meditation and various intense courses, there were countless sessions of IST regression and swaps with other students that had a tri-fold purpose: Clearing the traumas and blockages in the physical body, learning to recognize and clear entities, as well as making contact with our spiritual realms, guides, healers and the most beautiful, magical spiritual places a person could ever imagine. All of these experiences and trainings have peeled away the layers to a more authentic me and created, as Samuel would often call:
‘Integrity of the vessel’.

Through all of these trainings and healings I have known one thing for certain: It is my life purpose and goal to offer a space of integrity for all of my clients to explore energy realms, healing and spiritual transformation. We are truly magical beings and I am smiling as I write these words.

very sacred miniature version of shingon temple on kauai that hopi elders visited