About Monica Boone

‘Heal Yourself First!’ - Grandmaster

eagle in flight that is a healing energy calligraphy painting

I have been interested in art, healing and the mystery of our world since I was a young child. My first healing training was 30 years ago while still in high school. The course was called ‘Hands of Light’ with the amazing Barbara Brennan. Being around her and the other participants was a life changing event for me. Even so, I did not consciously choose to make this my life path until 15 years ago when I began suffering from a mysterious ailment. For nearly two years no western doctor or alternative healer could find a way to assist in my healing. It wasn’t until I came across an autobiography of a Chinese Taoist Grandmaster where things turned a corner. Having a profound experience while reading it, I knew I had to fly out to California to meet him. I was shaking with nervousness as I walked into his office, wondering what his assessment would be. Reading my mind, the first thing he said in broken English was ‘You okay, you okay. You going to be okay’. A couple of weeks after returning to New York City I was back to my old self. After two years of painstaking searching, this one meeting had such a huge impact on my health, my spirit & my way of viewing the World.

Gratitude for Healing, Transformation and Spiritual Training.

Shortly afterwards, I decided to sign up for the advanced healing training courses in Hawaii. I called the office and was immediately rejected. Normally my propensity for mortification would have caused me to crawl back into a shell, but something changed in me. I repeatedly called the office requesting acceptance from anyone that answered, as if additional attempts would result in a different outcome. Finally on what had to be my tenth attempt, the Grandmaster himself answered and yelled into the phone ‘Heal yourself first!’ and hung up on me. My first reaction was ‘pfffft, I am healed!’ After some months passed, with my ego out of ideas, I quietly decided to investigate this ‘healing myself’ request. At the time, it was a huge concept for me. Once I entered sincerely into the inquiry, I would spend the ensuing year in a personal qigong program of healing - Spiritually, emotionally and physically.

The spiritual part was crucial, my destiny was back in my own hands, being cared for and nurtured. I learned firsthand that this was the key to maintaining vibrant health. I learned through tangible experience what I had only ever read about in ancient writings. It was an incredibly moving time for me, discovering and experiencing so many beautiful mysteries and connecting to beings that I couldn’t have fathomed existed. It was during this time where I learned that, while others can assist you, permanent healing and change come from within.

All the elements of my inquiry and later apprenticeship come back to the basics of Inner Alchemy: Healing. Transformation. Life. Qi. Everything you say, touch, see, create, it all has the power to heal and transform through Universal Energy. It is the most profound thing I have ever experienced. Learning, experiencing and accepting it has been a lifelong journey for me and one that I look forward to sharing.

I knew then that this is what I would be doing for the rest of my life, I was going to learn how to heal people the way I had been healed.

four corners trip visiting sacred west lands overlooking oak creek canyon arizona

‘Beautiful Hypnosis Experience’

‘I had a beautiful session with Monica. She is very caring and committed to her healing work. Her deep listening and non-judgmental skills put me at ease right from the start. I highly recommend her work to anyone on the path of self discovery looking for a wise soul to hold space and provide guidance.’
- Monika G. - European Union

Acknowledgement of our Earthly and Spiritual Connections

qigong trip to highest point of mystical huangshan yellow mountain in china

HUANGSHAN ‘Yellow Mountain’

Mysterious and magical convergence of Worlds

With over two decades of collaborating and training with countless Healers, Shamans, Qigong and Tai Chi masters from many different traditions, Advanced Qigong Energy Healing, Samuel Sagan’s Clairvision School of Meditation, IST Inner Space Techniques Regression, Entity Clearing, Space Clearing, Reiki, Beyond Quantum Healing, Somatic Movement, including eleven years of art projects exploring cosmic land energies throughout the country, I have developed a highly trained yet deeply intuitive approach to my healing arts practice. I am so grateful to all the wonderful healing collaborators and teachers that I have crossed paths with, individuals from all walks of life, with many surprises! It’s nice to stop & acknowledge our time together & our connections. The teachings I have assimilated have blossomed into something that is both ancient & new, powerful & exciting in its limitless scope. It is a special time & whether we know to what extent, we are all going through profound changes on a daily basis. Each person that connects with me is welcomed into a safe, nurturing & spontaneous space. I am committed to your healing, spiritual expansion & joy filled life exploration!

By Appointment.

Wilmington, NC 28409

Tuesday - Friday
Saturday & Sunday

(917) 903-8752
